Friday Apr 27, 2018
Episode Two: Cool Kids' Table
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
In which Eddy and Dixie interview Changeling developer, writer on many, many projects, and all-around fascinating woman, Meghan Fitzgerald, about her role in the gaming industry, her work on Onyx Path lines as well as other games, and whether or not we're "cool." After the interview, stick around to hear all three of our usual hosts talk about their early tabletop gaming experiences, including a harrowing tale from in-house developer Matthew Dawkins. Things only get awkward once or twice.
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Episode One: A Beginning
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
In which our three hosts, Dixie Cochran, Eddy Webb, and Matthew Dawkins introduce themselves to roleplayers, gaming enthusiasts, and walkers along the Onyx Path. In this podcast we talk a little about our roles with Onyx Path, a little history of the company, our conflicting views on some of our games, future releases such as Dragon-Blooded, They Came From Beneath The Sea!, and the Contagion Chronicle (which even has a whole section read aloud in this recording as a lovely teaser), and some of our recent experiences in gaming!